MSTC has embarked upon developing an eco
system bringing all the enabling partners such as North Eastern Regional
Agriculture and Marketing Corporation Ltd.
(NERAMAC), Central Railside Warehousing Corporation (CRWC), Packaging
Company and Inland Waterways Authority (IWA).
The above ecosystem will not only improve the
financial status of the growers but also prevent the crops from colossal
wastage and make niche products available to the rest of the country.
order to provide direct market access to
the growers of the North-East region and also effective co-ordination and
required services amongst the above agencies, MSTC has recently opened an office
at Guwahati, which will be a nodal point to cater to the needs of all the sister states of the North-East.
will conduct e-Auctions on behalf of NERAMAC and other similar stockholders
regularly for all the Agri- Horti and Forest produce eliminating the existing
middlemen in the state. Also, MSTC will
conduct Forward Auctions (3 months before harvesting) to sell perishable items
such as pineapple, flowers etc. For
popularizing the e-Auction platform, MSTC has been conducting workshops and
registering the prospective buyers/traders at various locations in the country
for online-bidding. MSTC shall also
arrange logistics for delivery of the items at the door step of the customers.
this, MSTC will sell the metal products of various manufacturers like RINL,
SAIL, etc. through its MSTC Metal Mandi “M3” to the various consumers in
the North-East region and also provide the logistics support through CRWC on
door delivery basis. This will spur the
growth in demand of metal products in the region.
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